"There is a general view amongst physicists that the laws of nature that have allowed our creation are accidental. They are simply a property of mathematical principles that have nothing to do with our existence, or the existence of anything else for that matter. Life, the universe and everything exists by pure accident.
Another view emerged as the laws of nature came under increasingly detailed mathematical scrutiny and it became apparent that tinkering with them just slightly could make life impossible. It looked as though the laws of nature had been accurately set purposely to encourage the evolution of life.
The laws of nature can be defined by a set of numbers that provide the parameters for the evolution of the universe as we know it. One of these numbers in particular, the so-called cosmological constant has to be very tiny if the universe is to grow old enough and big enough to contain stars, and life.
The cosmological constant can be considered as the intrinsic mass and volume of empty space, which Einstein had suggested was not zero. It turns out that this number needs to be set to an accuracy of one part in a trillion, trillion trillion, trillion trillion, trillion trillion, trillion trillion, trillion. Any minuscule variation and life is a non-starter."
Basically a number so accurate it's fine tuned to 120 decimal places. Coincidence? Chance? Errrr right. As Terence McKenna so aptly puts it:
"No matter what you think about this idea, notice that it's the limit case for credulity. What does that mean? It means if you can believe that you can believe anything."
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
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1 comment:
Wow, that's a real head f**k!! But am I alone in feeling a nudge of "rightness" and recognition in all this? As though this is something I've always known, but forgotten?? Nah!!! Surely not.....OH MY GOD!!!!!
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